What information does MISO include in PROMOD models?
Base PROMOD models are first developed without applying the MTEP Futures information and assumptions (“PROMOD No Futures”). These models include the following base information:
Are PROMOD models available for stakeholder review and feedback?
Yes, the models were first posted in August 2023 for stakeholders with the appropriate non-disclosure agreements and a verified PROMOD license to view. MISO requested stakeholder feedback and incorporated applicable feedback before final models were posted in February 2024.
Will MISO be posting updated Economic Models during the Tranche 2 study process with Tranche 2 solutions included?
No. MISO uses in-house developed post processing tools to add transmission topology additions to the PROMOD output files (.PFF and .EVE), bypassing the PROMOD GUI (Graphic User Interface). As a result, MISO does not publish a PROMOD model containing topology additions or projects under study. All necessary project files (e.g., .IDV files) and information will be made available for stakeholders to recreate the analysis.
MISO requests that any technical questions regarding PROMOD software, functionality, or troubleshooting be directed to Hitachi/ABB rather than MISO staff.
What information does MISO include in powerflow models?
In Tranche 2, the powerflow core models were built from the MTEP22 topology (including LRTP Tranche 1 approved projects) with load, generation, and siting information from Future 2A. Powerflow modeling reflects a snapshot in time. Each model is built to represent a specific condition and generation is dispatched to meet load levels within that condition.
Powerflow core models were developed for summer peak, winter peak, light load, and average load conditions for both the 10-year and 20-year futures. Each Future studied requires a separate set of powerflow core models. Additional scenarios of interest will be incorporated into powerflow core models during the analysis phase of the study.
What assumptions does MISO use to develop the LRTP powerflow models?
MISO published and updated a LRTP Tranche 2 Reliability Study Whitepaper on powerflow modeling with details on assumptions and methodology for the LRTP powerflow models.
What powerflow model information was posted for stakeholders?
All powerflow core models and related input data and files were first posted in August 2023 for stakeholder review. MISO has received feedback on the modeling throughout the process and has and will continue to post updated models as applicable.
Base PROMOD models are first developed without applying the MTEP Futures information and assumptions (“PROMOD No Futures”). These models include the following base information:
- ABB Hitachi PROMOD Release sourced:
- Fall 2021 – generator updates and economic data
- Spring 2022 – coal price updates
- 11.5 engine with plans to update to 11.5.1 when released
- Resource Utilization:
- Includes generators with signed Generator Interconnection Agreement additions
- MTEP22 Year 2032 Summer Peak powerflow topology (with some known updates)
- PROMOD models will include LRTP Tranche 1 projects
- Study years (three individual models)
- 2032, 2037, 2042 (Year 10, Year 15, Year 20)
Are PROMOD models available for stakeholder review and feedback?
Yes, the models were first posted in August 2023 for stakeholders with the appropriate non-disclosure agreements and a verified PROMOD license to view. MISO requested stakeholder feedback and incorporated applicable feedback before final models were posted in February 2024.
Will MISO be posting updated Economic Models during the Tranche 2 study process with Tranche 2 solutions included?
No. MISO uses in-house developed post processing tools to add transmission topology additions to the PROMOD output files (.PFF and .EVE), bypassing the PROMOD GUI (Graphic User Interface). As a result, MISO does not publish a PROMOD model containing topology additions or projects under study. All necessary project files (e.g., .IDV files) and information will be made available for stakeholders to recreate the analysis.
MISO requests that any technical questions regarding PROMOD software, functionality, or troubleshooting be directed to Hitachi/ABB rather than MISO staff.
What information does MISO include in powerflow models?
In Tranche 2, the powerflow core models were built from the MTEP22 topology (including LRTP Tranche 1 approved projects) with load, generation, and siting information from Future 2A. Powerflow modeling reflects a snapshot in time. Each model is built to represent a specific condition and generation is dispatched to meet load levels within that condition.
Powerflow core models were developed for summer peak, winter peak, light load, and average load conditions for both the 10-year and 20-year futures. Each Future studied requires a separate set of powerflow core models. Additional scenarios of interest will be incorporated into powerflow core models during the analysis phase of the study.
What assumptions does MISO use to develop the LRTP powerflow models?
MISO published and updated a LRTP Tranche 2 Reliability Study Whitepaper on powerflow modeling with details on assumptions and methodology for the LRTP powerflow models.
What powerflow model information was posted for stakeholders?
All powerflow core models and related input data and files were first posted in August 2023 for stakeholder review. MISO has received feedback on the modeling throughout the process and has and will continue to post updated models as applicable.